WorldPoultry: Spanish egg org launches campaign to educate consumers


Inprovo, the Spanish Interbranch organization for the egg and egg products has launched the campaign ”El huevo, de etiqueta”, to explain the European Model of Egg Production, the egg labelling and marking.

With a budget of €1.1 million for two years , cofinanced by the European Union and the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment. M. Fernando Burgaz, director general of Food Industry; M. Francisco Fonseca, Head of the European Commission's Representation in Spain; M. Medín de Vega, chairman of Inprovo and Mª Mar Fernández, director of Inprovo, explained the main goals of the campaign.

According to the recent "Huevómetro" survey, conducted by Inprovo, only 2% of Spanish egg consumers read and identify properly the code marked in the egg shell. Most respondents don't identify the different egg production systems or the  European Model of Egg Production. In this context, Inprovo launched the campaign "El huevo, de etiqueta", to explain the egg production in the European Union, the meaning of the egg code stamped on the shell and the labelling, all of them consumer's guarantees of top quality eggs.

Egg producers, centre of the campaign
Many professionals are involved in the egg route from the farm to the consumer table,: producers, farmers, veterinarians, nutritionists, quality and grading personnel, transporters... All of them will be spokespeople of the campaign "El huevo, de etiqueta". They will participate in meetings all over Spain to explain its work at the farms and packing centres; and the European Model of Egg Production.

This campaign will show consumers how to understand the code marked in the shell and the information in the labelling. Both of them are part of the egg traceability, a tool for producers and authorities to control the food safety. They  help  consumers to choose the egg that meet their preferences in each moment. During the next two years, the campaign "El huevo, de etiqueta" will maintain a constant dialogue with citizens through its social media and website.

"For Inprovo, this campaign is an exercise in transparency and responsibility," says its chairman, Medin de Vega. "Producers strive to do their job and we want consumers to know it.  That's why we have dressed our eggs with the best " label", as a sign of quality and excellence", adds de Vega.

This campaign is a unique opportunity to consolidate the image of the egg produced in the European Union as a safe food and "to reinforce confidence in the European producers, whose have adapted their facilities and processes to the demanding European model.
by WORLD POULTRY Dec 3, 2014


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