| WorldPoultry: Innovation leads EuroTier 2012 exhibition
EuroTier organizer DLG (German Agricultural Society) has received a record number of appliations, more than 300 applications, from 182 exhibitors across 23 countries for this year’s Innovation Award competition.

Around half of the entries come from outside Germany and five gold awards and 19 silver awards were announced.
DLG appointed an independent, international jury, comprising industry experts from the UK, Switzerland and Germany, who evaluated all the entries with German thoroughness and according to stringent criteria.
Poultry gold winner
At EuroTier all production animal species are covered. Most of the gold medals went to innovation in the dairy section, but one gold medal was awarded in the poultry section, namely for the AeroScalder from Marel Stork Poultry Processing, Boxmeer, Netherlands (Hall 9, F32). This system comprises of a whole new and innovative approach towards scalding of poultry in the processing plant.
Silver medal winners in the poultry section were for the Galli-Luxmeter of Hato Lighting (Hall 9, C18a) and the Automatic Dung Belt Control from Big Dutchman International (Hall 9, C24).
The setting and checking of the light intensity in the poultry-house with the aid of normal lux meters does not correspond to the vision sensitivity of the poultry. The Galli-Luxmeter measures according to the sensitivity of the fowl and thus contributes substantially to lighting the housing in line with animal welfare requirements.
Uneven loading of manure belts has generally increased in the new keeping systems for layer hens. Big Dutchman’s automatic correction procedure is definitively new and represents clear progress. The risk of damage can be distinctly reduced as a result.
New feed products
Also in animal nutrition DLG awarded two products. Designer Proteins from Danish European Protein (Hall 14, F53) was awarded for their new approach for optimizing amino acid and phosphorous supply by using algae proteins.
Furthermore the phytogenic feed additive Anta Phyt BLT from Dr Eckel (Hall 16, D20) grabbed a silver medal for this innovative product for reducing antibiotic use in poultry and other livestock.
The gold medals will be awarded by DLG President Carl-Albrecht Bartmer on 13 November 2012 at the EuroTier evening, which is held each year to mark the start of the exhibition, and he will be presenting the silver medals in a separate ceremony on the opening day.
by AllAboutFeed Nov 2, 2012