PoultryWorld: UK: Free app helps combat spread of avian influenza


Poultry producers in the UK are being urged to download the Livestock Protect App to track the rapid spread of Avian Influenza and strengthen on-farm biosecurity as cases continue to rise across the UK. There is no cost to download the app.

The app provides real-time alerts on local disease risks and practical biosecurity guidance, helping farmers respond quickly to outbreaks. With avian influenza prevention zones now covering the entire UK, staying informed is critical.

Neal Samet, Livetec general manager and director, explains that the Livestock Protect App equips poultry keepers with the knowledge required to comply with government regulations and take swift action to safeguard flocks. Through close collaboration with academic, veterinary and industry professionals, the company aims to equip farmers with solutions to navigate biosecurity threats and contribute to a resilient and secure food system.

According to Samet the avian influenza alert app has been developed to send real-time outbreak and zone updates straight to users’ smartphones, allowing for informed, rapid decision-making. “Our priority is to ensure every poultry keeper has access to the most accurate and up-to-date information to protect their flock. This is why the app is designed to simplify the notification process and ensure users have the latest data and guidance at their fingertips.”

The Livestock Protect app is now free to download on both Apple and Android devices, visit the App Store or Google Play Store to download.

For more information, click here. www.livetecsystems.co.uk/app/


Fabian BrockötterEditor in Chief, Poultry World

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